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Showing posts from June, 2019

High flying time off!

What the what?!? Taking a break after celebrating the completion of the Enfield Genesis series. (You haven't read them yet? No worries, the 5 book series is available in Kindle Unlimited. If you subscribe to KU, you get to read them for free! Click here to be taken to the series page on Amazon. If you prefer to buy, first—thank you! And second, book 1 in the series is only 99¢ and you can grab it by clicking here . Disclosure: this is an affiliate link from Amazon, which means I will receive a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase. The midwest has gorgeous sunsets, don't you think? Of course Muse1 is being a bit judgey about the whole "I'm taking a day away from the computer to fly" thing.... (He was also a bit judgey about the ending of the book, too, but I digress... ;-) To mollify him, I wore my cat-themed aviator tee. If you're not familiar with the NATO phonetic alphabet we use to communicate, here&#